“Identify with your bank” is a digital onboarding service from YOiD, an account information service provider authorized by the Bank of Spain. Take advantage of the security of banking systems to authenticate your users safely, fast and without errors. You will only need your mobile phone and your bank's website/app. In seconds and from anywhere.
Available for users of most Banks and Savings Banks in Spain.
Caixabank, Banco Santander, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, ING, Abanca, Banca March, Banco Mediolanum, Bankinter, Bantierra, Caixa Oular, Caja Arquitectos, Cajamar, Cajasiete, Cajasur, Cajaviva, Colonya, Caja Rural, EVO Banco, Fiare Bancaética, Globalcaja, Ibercaja, ImaginBank, Inversis, Kutxabank, Laboral Kutxa, Liberbank, Nueva Carteya, Openbank, Pibank, Renta4, Ruralnostra, Self Bank, Unicaja Banco y Wizink. Coming soon: Deutsche Bank, Caja de Ingenieros and N26.